Monday, February 16, 2015

Possible resolution would seek EPA region switch

The state Senate Judiciary Committee is thinking about originating a resolution asking the federal government to switch the EPA region West Virginia falls under.

Currently, West Virginia is in EPA Region 3 based in Philadelphia but some members of the Senate believe the state and the coal industry may get more cooperation from the Atlanta-based EPA Region 4.

“We’re more in tune with people from Atlanta and that region on philosophical ideas and theories,” Sen. Art Kirkendoll (D-Logan) said last week. “It can make a difference in what you get and do not get done.”

The Atlanta region includes coal mining states Kentucky and Tennessee.

Kirdendoll said he believed such a request would get support from the coal industry.

“Ask Alpha Natural Resources, Arch Coal, all of the permitting agencies that deal with (EPA) and find out if they don’t think they have a more rational reason to be in the Atlanta region rather than Philadelphia,” Kirkendoll said.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Trump (R-Morgan) said the proposal is worth a strong review.