“Because of the nature of this matter, it’s difficult to determine who is in fact a victim of these crimes and where they may be,” said U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin.
Therefore Goodwin’s office established a website to allow people to know where the government is in their prosecution of former officials at Freedom Industries. Goodwin said the chemical spill of January 2014 impacted a lot of people. Tap water in nine counties was contaminated when the MCHM got into the West Virginia American Water Company operation on the
“We see it as a primary obligation that victims of crimes know about and are involved in the criminal process,” Goodwin said. “People can go to the website and understand where the case is at the present time. Also, they can access resources if they believe they are a victim they can notify our office.”
Those who register with the U.S. Attorney will get direct notification via e-mail or text about upcoming dates or new developments in the case.