Friday, August 22, 2014

New restrictions for hydrocodone drugs

A move by the federal government will restrict the prescription of painkiller hydrocodone drugs, like Vicodin and Lortab, the number one prescribed controlled substance in West Virginia.
The federal Drug Enforcement Administration will make the announcement Friday that it’s moving hydrocodone from Schedule III to the more restrictive Schedule II.
West Virginia Board of Pharmacy Executive Director and General Counsel David Potters said the new classification will impact how the drugs are stored, stocked, transported, prescribed and dispensed.
“The whole idea to is cut down on the amount of supply available in the medicine cabinets at any one time,” he said.
Hydrocodone is at the top of the list of prescribed drugs in West Virginia. Potters said it also is the most diverted and abused.
Schedule II drugs are not allowed to be refilled, a prescription is required each time. Also, in many cases, only doctors can prescribe them.
Under Schedule II the written prescription expires in 90 days and at pharmacies many of them are kept in locked safes or cages. Potters added making a drug a Schedule II also gives physicians a cause to pause and consider prescribing it.

The new rule is expected to be announced Friday and take effect in 45 days.