A Wayne County
man is claiming self-defense in a Tuesday shooting death.
Wayne County Prosecutor Tom Plymale
said John Ferrell said he shot Cody Perry during a fight when Perry came at him
on Shoals Branch Road
early Tuesday morning.
Ferrell told Plymale Perry and a woman,
later identified as Ashton Akers, were parked in Ferrell’s driveway and his
wife called him at work to tell him about it. Ferrell said he came home and
asked the two to move on. A short time later he, according to Ferrell, noticed
the car in another location not far from his home. Ferrell said the Perry-Akers
vehicle pulled nose to nose with his vehicle. Both men got out and a short
fight occurred when Ferrell fired one shot. Perry died a short time later.
Prosecutor Plymale said no charges have been filed. He is waiting
on autopsy results and further investigation.