Monday, December 2, 2013

Fake mine foreman to be sentenced

A Mercer County man could be sentenced to up to five years in prison Monday in U.S. District Court for falsifying mandatory mine safety reports while working at several West Virginia mining operations.
In July, Craig Belcher, 36, of Bluefield, plead guilty to providing a false statement, representation and certification in a Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) document by acting as an underground mine foreman when he was not properly certified to be one.
Federal prosecutors said Belcher worked as a foreman at four mines between January 2009 and 2010.
Those mines were Spartan Mining Company’s Road Fork No. 51 mine located in Wyoming County, Frasure Creek’s Mine No. 15 located in Fayette County, Pay Car’s Mine No. 58 in McDowell County and Double Bonus’ Mine No. 65 in Wyoming County.
During that time, Belcher would sign reports indicating mine sections had been properly inspected.

In addition to prison time, Belcher could also be forced to pay a $250,000 fine.