Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Old Court Cases Still Need Reviewed Following Corruption in Mingo County

With court cases piling up, Mingo County is trying to move forward. However, its past keeps coming back to haunt it -- and slowing down the process.

Back in August, about more than 100 court cases in need of review by the prosecutor's office.

The reason for this was Michael Thornsbury, who was circuit court judge at the time, had rigged the grand jury in 2009.

Michael Sparks was prosecutor at the time. He has since resigned and pleaded guilty in a separate case of corruption.

His replacement, Teresa Maynard, now has the burden of reviewing those cases.

She says she's picking up where Sparks left off.

Maynard says so far, her office has only received a handful of requests from those who want their cases retried, but she does anticipate more.

She says she hopes to hire another prosecutor this week to help with the workload.