Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lincoln County Elections Office Overhaul

LINCOLN COUNTY, W.Va. -- Officials in Lincoln County say they're working hard to clean house and restore confidence in voters.

They say the elections office is getting a much-needed makeover, starting with voting records and machines.
t's the start of a voter roll purging process -- a massive effort to make sure every vote counts, after the election fraud scandal of 2010 brought problems to light.

Several public officials were sentenced to prison following the investigation. Authorities say more than 100 absentee ballots were falsified in that race.

Now, leaders say they're making sure all of their voting records are up to date. Five new employees were hired to pitch in with the process.

But officials say that's only half the battle in ensuring smooth elections. The other half is repairing aging and broken machines.

Officials say the county commission has designated thousands of dollars to repair the machines.

They say they're working to make sure all voter records match the information found on the Secretary of State's website.