Monday, November 10, 2014

Republicans lining up Senate leadership

The possible next majority leader in the state Senate calls it a new day for West Virginia.
 “I’m just thrilled that the people of West Virginia, and America really, have woken up to a new sense of optimism and just a hopeful vision for the future,” said Sen. Mitch Carmichael (R-Jackson, 04).
He was a guest on Friday’s MetroNews “Talkline” to talk about what’s next now that Republicans have the edge over Democrats in the state Senate, 18-16, for the first time since 1933.
Carmicheal said he expects Sen. Bill Cole (R-Mercer, 06) to be chosen to serve as Senate President when the Senate Republicans meet in caucus in December ahead of the start of the 2015 Regular Legislative Session on Jan. 14.
According to Carmichael, Sen. Mike Hall (R-Putnam, 04) would likely be appointed to serve as chair of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, while he – Carmichael – would take the majority leader’s position.
As for the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Education Committee, Carmichael said possible chairs included Sen. Clark Barnes (R-Randolph, 11) and Senator-Elect Charles Trump who will represent a portion of the Eastern Panhandle.
Trump, who was elected on Nov. 4, served in the state House of Delegates from 1992-2006 and was House Minority Leader for eight of those years.
After the results came in on Tuesday night, Republicans had won enough state Senate seats to bring the Senate to a tie 17-17.
On Wednesday, Sen. Dan Hall (R-Wyoming, 09) switched his registration from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party bringing the number to 18.

Carmichael said Republicans are excited to get started. “We’ve come in and you can already sense a renewed sense of commitment, of doing things the right way, a breath of fresh air to move this state forward,” he said.