Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Local Runners Pay Tribute to Boston Victims

HUNTINGTON, W.Va-– Tuesday night about 30 runners got together for a special vigil and 2.62 mile run around Marshall University’s campus in honor of victims in Boston.

The Huntington Road Runners group began the event with a moment of silence and prayer. They then lit two candles, one blue and one yellow, the official colors of the Boston Marathon.

Another local event paying tribute to victims in Boston is planned for this weekend.
Pat Riley, president of, says they’re having a marathon fund run Sunday at 3 p.m. at Hurricane's Waves of Fun park.

The Mountain State Centers for Independent Living helps those in the area with disabilities.

Following Monday’s explosions, many victims will now be disabled the rest of their lives.

That group is reaching out by taking 10 percent of the proceeds from their upcoming 5k to donate to Boston Marathon victims.