Friday, December 27, 2013

WVU Tourism degree gets thumbs up from state


The state Division of Tourism is giving the thumbs up to a new tourism degree at WVU. The University recently announced it’s created a Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management under the College of Business and Economics.
WVU previously offered an area of emphasis in tourism but this move creates a program unto itself.
University officials said WVU is already a “living laboratory” when it comes to hospitality and tourism. There’s food service at the Mountainlair. They partner with Morgantown’s Waterfront Place Hotel, for student access to “both front-door and back-of-the-house operations.” Then there are dozens of outdoor activities, in and around Morgantown, that students can learn from.
Tourism brings in billions of dollars to West Virginia each year. From bread and breakfasts to the ski industry, the Hatfield-McCoy Trail to the Greenbrier. The degree will prepare students to take on all sorts of tourism employment.

WVU will be one of only 40 or so accredited schools in the U.S. to have a hospitality degree program.