Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Revenue secretary calls November a “very good month” for tax collections

November was a “very good month” for tax collections in West Virginia, according to state Revenue Secretary Bob Kiss.
Overall, tax officials said collections were more than $30 million ahead of estimates for November or 11 percent better than projections. Compared with Nov. 2013, revenue collections were up by almost 15 percent.
“Obviously, we’ve still got seven months left, so we’ve got long ways to go,” Kiss said on Tuesday.
“Right now, it’s going to be critical to see how December turns out before we can really start making any longer term expressions of what, if anything, needs to be done.”
Both personal income tax and sales tax collections, two of the state’s major sources of revenues, were ahead of estimates for Nov. as were severance tax collections.

It was not immediately clear, though, if the upswing was a matter of timing or of economic improvement.