Friday, December 26, 2014

Tomblin getting ready for legislative session

This is arguably the busiest time of the year for Gov. Earl Tomblin and his staff, as they get ready for the 60-day regular legislative session.
“We are in the mode. We are having lots of meetings with proposed legislation, agency legislation,” Tomblin said. “I wish I had it done. It’s a lot of work, but we’ll get it done.”
The governor will deliver his state of the state address Jan. 14 to open the session. Tomblin has been keeping a close eye on the state’s tax collection numbers, which have looked better in the past month.
“They are trending that way, we had a couple of bad months that kind of put us all on the bad foot for the first part of the fiscal year, but they are picking up,” the governor acknowledged.
State revenue numbers could be further enhanced with a strong holiday season. Some of those numbers should be available next week.
New legislative leaders know there’s a possible $200 million budget hole to address. Tomblin agreed the budget would once again be tight.
“We are not getting to set the world on fire (with revenue numbers) but it is better than it was two months ago,” he said.