Thursday, October 11, 2012

Double Killing In Mingo County

{Delbarton, West Virginia}...Two men are dead after a fight Wednesday night on Elk Creek Road near Delbarton in Mingo County. State Police say 45 year old Phillip Gillman got into a fight with 75 year old Alfred Russell Curry and struck Curry in the head with a claw hammer. Curry walked a few hundred yards before collapsing in the middle of the road. A woman near the scene saw Curry collapse and called his half-brother, Mingo County Commissioner David Baisden, who arrived at the scene shortly afterward and offered aid to his brother. Soon after Baisden arrived, Gillman stole Baisden's vehicle and ran over Curry while leaving the scene. A short time later, Gillman returned and attacked Baisden. The fight ended when a volunteer firefighter pulled out a pistol and shot Gillman twice. Gillman fled on foot, but Delbarton police and Mingo sheriff's deputies found Gilman a quarter-mile down the road, and Gillman fled again, and police gave chase. State Police say Gillman then charged at the officers, waving the claw hammer, and was killed by a shotgun blast to the chest fired by the Delbarton officer. The fireman who shot Gillman had a valid conceal carry permit and will not face charges. It's unknown what started the initial confrontation, and police say it may never be known since both combatants are now dead. Toxicology tests will be performed on Gillman's body by the state Medical Examiner to determine if he was drunk or on drugs.