Thursday, October 18, 2012

Motion To Dismiss Discrimination Lawsuit

{Charleston, West Virginia}...Kanawha Circuit Court Judge Carrie Webster is expected to rule on a motion to throw out a lawsuit against the Bob Burdette Center by Monday. Thirty-four year old Jessica A. Hudson of Charleston alleges the center's board of directors hired her as executive director in the summer of 2011, but a few days after she accepted the position and turned in her two-week notice to her previous employer, two board members called to tell her the offer had been rescinded. Webster claims the offer was rescinded because they believed she was a lesbian. Bob Burdette Center attorney David Mincer says she was fired because she misled board members in her resume and during the interview, stating she had attended classes at Concord University, leading them to believe she had received a degree from the institution, and although she attended classes there, she did not graduate. Mincer also argued Hudson had stated she was chairwoman of a professional committee with the Charleston Area Alliance, which was untrue. Rick Brown, Hudson's attorney, says she had never been asked if she received a degree from the university, and she didn't know a degree was required until right before her interview when she was handed a job description.