Monday, January 28, 2013

State looking for help to feed kids

Children who rely on free school breakfast and lunch often miss out on meals during the summer break. That’s why the Summer Food Service Program, sponsored by the state Department of Education Office of Child Nutrition, is looking for some help to reach out to more children in need.
“We’re trying to fill that gap from the time school is out til the time school begins,” explained Gloria Cunningham, the coordinator of the Summer Food Program.
In 2012 the program served nearly 14,000 meals a day to needy children. Cunningham says there are more kids out there that need those meals. That’s why they want to broaden the areas they already serve.
“There are still a lot of areas that are underserved. So what are those kids doing?”
Cunningham says they’re looking to communities all across the state to step up.
“We’re looking for locations where kids can be fed during the summer months,” she said.
Non-profits organizations are being urged to consider offering up their space as a feeding site. There’s also other ways to assist.
“It could be space, it could be volunteers to help operate the program, it could be new agencies to get involved or volunteers to transport meals.”
Cunningham stresses it’s important that all children have access to healthy, balanced meals year round and the Summer Feeding Program helps fill that need.
For more information on the project, you can log on to