Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tomblin orders hiring freeze

Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin has issued a temporary hiring freeze for all general revenue funded positions in the executive branch of state government.
Tomblin says he’s doing so because tax collections for the current fiscal year are below estimates by $35 million and that number is expected to grow.
The governor says the hiring freeze is exactly that and there will be no furloughs or layoffs.
Tomblin issued a statement Tuesday morning:
“While we have fared better than most states in recent years, our nation’s economic challenges continue to impact our state’s revenue collections. The plan I’m implementing ensures key government services will continue to be provided to our people, and necessary employment positions to deliver those services will be filled. This will help us ensure our financial house will remain in order at fiscal year end,” Tomblin said.
The general revenue positions that are currently vacant or become vacant between now and June 30 will not be filled unless they get special approval from the governor’s office.
Tomblin says positions funded by special revenue sources are not part of the hiring freeze.