{Seth, West Virginia}...Twenty-two year old Robert Graham Powers of Seth has been charged with felony damage or destruction of public utility company property and grand larceny after Boone County Sheriff's Deputies say he stole over 1,000 feet of copper and aluminum from electrical lines in the Prenter area. Deputies found the wiring at Powers' residence in the Toney's Branch area of Bloomingrose, and officials from Appalcahian Power Company confirmed that the cable was their electrical wire. The destruction charge carries a 1 to 3 year prison sentence and up to $5,000.00 fine, and grand larceny carries 1 to 10 years in prison. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Powers should contact the Boone County Sheriff's Office at (304) 369-7340 or Boone County 911 at (304) 369-9913.