{West Virginia }...During a press conference in downtown Charleston Tuesday, United Mine Workers of America officials released its findings in the April 2010 Upper Big Branch mine disaster that killed 29 miners and injured two others. Officials said Massey Energy Co. executives ignored safety violations, intimidated workers and failed to adhere to federal regulations to the extent that they should be held criminally responsible. The report corroborates many of the findings made by Davit McAteer, an independent investigator who was appointed by then-Governor Joe Manchin to look into the explosion. The UMWA concluded that a spark was caused by the longwall shearer striking rock, and a buildup of methane in the area caused an initial explosion. The blast was exacerbated due to a massive buildup of coal dust, water sprayers that did not work and a "horrendous" ventilation system. UMWA President Cecil Roberts said all those problems were the result of Massey's insistence on production over safety. Roberts said, Massey's CEO Don Blankenship, was aware of safety issues in the mine. According to the report, Blankenship and other top-level management asked for updates on the mine's production as frequently as once per hour. Roberts said Blankenship was so involved with the mine that it's nearly impossible that he had no knowledge of the severe safety violations.