{West Virginia}...The Dollar Energy Fund, operated by the West Virginia Utility Assistance Program, begins handing out grants Monday to help state residents pay their gas, electric and water bills. Director Danielle Snidow says they hope to help 4,500 households. This year LHEAP (the federal utility assistance program) funding is in jeopardy, and it may be slashed up to 50 percent. The grants are for senior citizens and limited income households who have made an attempt to pay their utility bills, but cannot, or have been disconnected from service. Snidow expects the program to provide $1.35 million in assistance during the next year. The utilities participating in the program include FirstEnergy, Appalachian Power, Mountaineer Gas, Equitable Gas, West Virginia and Dominion Hope. The Dollar Energy Fund is made up of public contributions that are matched dollar for dollar by the utility companies. It began in 2008. Information is available about eligibility at dollarenergyfund.org., by checking with one of up to 70 community-based organizations that take applications or by calling the state's information number at 211.