{ West Virginia}...As West Virginia voters head to the polls Tuesday in a special election for governor, a recent poll shows Republican gubernatorial nominee Bill Maloney could pull off a narrow victory over acting Governor Earl Ray Tomblin. A new poll released Monday found the West Virginia governor's race is too close to call. According to Public Policy Polling, Tomblin leads Maloney 47-46, with 7 percent of voters undecided. At the beginning of September, Tomblin’s lead was 46-40 and he had lead by as large a margin as 33 points earlier this year. Bill Maloney's campaign has spent more than $5 million attacking Tomblin. The Maloney campaign has repeatedly attempted to tie Tomblin to President Barack Obama, who remains unpopular across the sate. Chris Stadelman, spokesperson for Tomblin's campaign says they always knew the race was going to be close.