Thursday, April 26, 2012

Man Walking For Homeless Vets

Research indicates 40 percent of homeless men have served in the military. Dan Lyons, a 61 year old Vietnam veteran is walking from his home in Reno, Nevada to Washington D.C. to raise awareness for homeless vets. Lyons, who began his journey January 3rd, arrived in Olive Hill, Kentucky Wednesday and expects to get to West Virginia by the weekend. Lyons has tried unsuccessfully to get in touch with leaders in Washington to talk about raising awareness for homeless veterans. After he told their aides he was traveling to D.C. on foot, he was able to make some appointments. On June 7th, he'll be meeting with two senators and a congressman. Lyons says he'd like to see every city with more than 10,000 people have a homeless veterans counseling center where vets could get help with mental health issues, drug abuse and finding jobs.