Friday, November 30, 2012

Manchin Backs Senate Amendment

{Washington, D.C.}…U.S. Senator Joe Manchin was on the U.S. Senate floor Thursday urging President Barack Obama and the Senate to quickly end the war in Afghanistan. Manchin said, "After more than ten years, more than 1,900 American lives and more than $500 billion, it is time to bring our warriors home to a heroes welcome.” Manchin’s effort was part of him showing his support for the passing of a bipartisan Sense of the Senate amendment of which he was an original cosponsor, along with Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley.  Manchin said he supported the amendment not only because it backs the President’s current plan to end combat operations in Afghanistan by the end of 2014 but also because it called for a quicker transition of security operations from U.S. forces to Afghan forces. Instead of the end of 2014, the amendment urges the transition to take place in the summer of 2013.